I am muchly pissed about fanfiction.net. Have you seen this? They're not allowing NC-17 fic on their site anymore. As well as a lot of other stuff, like RP fic, which doesn't really affect me, but still. They're getting really into the whole censorship thing. Which I'm not terribly cool with at all, really. Of late, every week or so, there's an announcement saying that some category or other is not being allowed anymore. Now, the RP stuff I sort of understand - it's a really controversial thing in the fanfic community just in general, so I can see why fanfic.net doesn't really want to allow it. (Even though, actually, it's less illegal than fanfic in general. Real people don't get copywrited.) But the banning of NC-17 fic is really quite annoying.
I understand that we don't want children reading stuff that's innappropriate for their age and I know that there are a lot of people under the age of 17 on fanfic.net. (Good God, do I know that! Legolas/Mary Sue fic, anyone? Yeesh.) But there has to be a better way to deal with this than total banning. I mean, the fic is marked. Usually several times. And you already have to go to special menu for anything rated above PG-13. So it's not as if people come across this stuff accidentally. They have to go looking for it. So the way I see it, the site has done what they ought to be doing. Certainly, it could be made harder to find and if they did that, I wouldn't be complaining. But by this point, it's really not the site's fault if kids are reading things they shouldn't. It's the kids' fault. If there are parental complaints, shouldn't the parents be doing something about this?
Some of the NC-17 fic is the best stuff on the site...especially since it's being taken over by those teenage, Mary Sue/self-insertion writing girls whom we don't want scarred by things they shouldn't be reading. Obviously, not all of the NC-17 stuff is any good. Some of it is exactly what you'd be afraid it would be - outright smut. But a lot of it is well written, well plotted fic. And I am a slasher. A lot of the time, and of fanfic.net especially, slash is rated especially high simply because of the nature of the genre. So a great deal of the slash on fanfic.net is NC-17. And all of that - much of it reasonably well written, as I've said - will soon be removed because the site managers have decreed that it shall no longer exist on their webspace. It makes me angry.
It's almost enough to make me want to stop visiting the site. But, unfortunately, there's a lot of stuff that will still be there that's still good and that I can't find anywhere else. (Dark City fic and Discworld to present only two examples.) In general, the site is a good idea - a place for anyone's fanfic, regardless of experience, talent, age or fandom preference. At least, that's what it was when I first found it. I mean, the website's slogan is "Unleash your imagination and free your soul." But apparently, one's imagination is to be unleashed only in certain proscribed directions. And, you know, that's a bad thing. Yeah, there's bad fic out there. And some of it is bad because it's poorly written and some of it's bad because it's got things in it that a lot of people don't want to see. But fanfic.net used to be a place where you could post anything and, every so often, you got really good fic out of all that badness. And if we can't go back to that, at least we can try to stop where we are now, before the whole site degenerates into a haven for Mary Sue writing adolescent girls who don't believe in beta readers or proper punctuation. So, if you're reading this and you care, go here and sign the petition. I don't know if it will do any good (and it probably won't - we had a petition for the List section, too) but, hey, at least we can say we've tried. And that's something. Right?
(Mr. Croup - And she's writing fanfic about us.
Mr. Vandemar - Is it NC-17?
::Messrs C&V look at each other and nadiai eyes them both, thoughtfully. All three shudder in uttermost squick::
Mr. Croup - No. Most definately, no.)