Monday, July 29, 2002

So, yeah. I take way too many quizzes. But I really have nothing to say. Other than the fact that I went to a fair yesterday and bought jewelry (yes, Chris, I'm a pod person...bwa haha!) and had some of the best hot chocolate I've ever had in my life. It had chili powder in it. Mmmm...chili powder. Truly, it was a rapturous experience. hehe.

Also, I saw Road to Perdition yesterday. It was the wettest movie I've ever seen. I think there was rain in just about every scene. Very pretty. Also, there was Jude Law. He is also very pretty. Don't go to it if you have to do anything upbeat afterward, though. (Country music and Greek-tragedy-like movies do not mix, O my little brothers.) And read the graphic novel. Yea, the rise of the comic book movie! We will conquer! Oh...and Tom Hanks with a tommygun is a fun thing indeed. Bwa haha.

(Look, no Christopher Lee in this entry...oh. Darn. hehe)

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr. Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.)

Who's your daddy?? Find out @ blackhole
Yeah, baby. Yowsa.

Friday, July 26, 2002

I am Lo Mein!
Take the What Kind of Chinese Food Are You? test!

What Obscure Animal are you?

What Spooky Being are You?
I'm Mr. Hand! Bwa haha...(that's what we need...A "Which Dark City character are you?" quiz. hehe)

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!

My archives keep disappearing. And then they come back. I made that entry yesterday and it was proved wrong as soon as I update. (As I sure this will be...oh, well.) Perhaps it's some sort of bribe or blackmail so that I update more often. Unfortunately, today I have nothing to say really...blargh...

Thursday, July 25, 2002

My archives are back! (And there was much rejoicing - yea...) hehe

My archives seem to have disappeared and this distresses me. I rather liked having them, as that is somewhat the point of a journal - to be able to look back at things you did and thought at an earlier point. I can access them from the place where I update, but nowhere else. Blargh. Ah, well. I imagine it will get fixed at some point. Hopefully. ::sigh::

I bought The Lost Boys yesterday, which is a very cheesy yet strangely fun 80's vampire movie. (And the main vampire is very pretty...the one that we know is a vampire throughout the movie, not the one who turns out to be the "head of the family" at the end.) And, watching, I begin to wonder how the vampire movies that my friends and I have obsessed over this year (Dracula 2000 and Queen of the Damned) will look in 10 to 15 years. Will they be as silly? I must make a point to watch them in 2017 to make sure. But I like Lost Boys. Besides the Peter Pan connections that continue to be made in my brain (tell me Peter Pan's not a vampire - just you try. I have conclusive proof. Ha!) it has really funny moments and a couple of scenes that are just beautiful representations of how vampirism should be. (Even though they do allow vampirism to be cured at the end. Blargh. At least it wasn't viral vampirism. Viral vampirism is a thing of the devil. It's right up there with colorized film. I read somewhere that the Apocolypse could be linked to the colorization of The Maltese Falcon and I believe, O my brothers and sisters, I believe.) So, anyway...yet more movies that I can't force on my family. hehe. Now I must buy The Wicker Man. (Christopher Lee in drag...nothing is better than that!)

(You thought I wouldn't mention Christopher Lee in this entry, didn't you. Well, ha! I did. hehe)

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr. Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.)

Monday, July 22, 2002

Why Sara should not spend large amounts of time on the computer reading fanfic, Example # 1 - we are currently experiencing a vague yet tenacious obsession with Ethan Rayne. (Minor recurring character on BtVS, for those who've not yet been corrupted - British, demon-summoning, mischief-causing chaos wizard. hehe) Now, normally, this wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that I've never, ever seen this character on the show. Not once. Of course, he's only in four episodes and they're pretty early ones. But he's in a slightly larger amount of fanfiction. And I think that I've read all of it now. (Not all of it today, of course. That would be truly terrible.) And I like him. I think that it's mostly his fault that I made a point of finding and listening to David Bowie music. So now we have something to blame that on.

In other news - watched The Wicker Man yesterday. Hehe...pagan Christopher Lee in drag. (C' knew he'd work his way into the entry somehow...) I liked this movie but I had a hard time with it as well. It's really hard to know who to side with/identify with. The hero's quite a bit of a prat and quite bigoted besides, which would normally put me on the side of pagan semi-villains. But (spoiler warning for those who might choose to seek this out and can't figure the following out from the title) they do burn the "hero" alive in a giant basket-man. While singing incredibly incongrously cheerful songs and dancing. Aw, heck, we'll just side with Christopher Lee and be done with it. After all, we get to see him in a kilt. That makes up for a lot. 8) And the hero is so very stupid. I mean, you know that you're trapped in a community of what seem to be (maybe...I'm not sure on this one...I don't recognize their gods but their practices seems to be) Celtic/Druidic pagans and you know they want to sacrifice someone, so what do you dress up as in the fancy-dress parade? Why, the clown who gets to be king for the day, of course! Make a note, O my children - nothing good ever comes of being king for the day. Nothing. And if you ever find a bean in your Solstice cake, don't let anyone know. You'll stay healthier that way. But at least I can cross another movie off the list...someday, I should write the list down...

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr. Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.)

Saturday, July 20, 2002

who's your male wench?

this quiz by belle

I didn't cheat. I swear. This is scary. 8)

Monday, July 08, 2002

So, I went to the video store today and I rented The Horror of Dracula. Because I needed more Christopher Lee movies. And, yes, Christopher Lee makes a lovely Dracula. But Peter Cushing is even better. His Dr. Van Helsing is simply marvelous - the best I've seen. Better than Anthony Hopkins and certainly better than Edward van Sloan. (Though we sort of have to give Mr. van Sloan credit for playing the exact same part in three seperate and completely different movies - Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy.) But Peter Cushing - he's dynamic. He runs around, he jumps on tables, he drives coaches. He gets tousled. (I like tousled. hehe) The man is fantastic. And it doesn't hurt that Peter Cushing used to be quite least, he was in the '60s. Long before General Tarkin. He's dead, isn't he? I guess we'll just have to put him on the "beautiful dead men" list. Ah, well. And he looks like he'd make a good Sherlock Holmes. Not as good as Jeremy Brett, but then, who is? 8) And I really must find The Curse of Frankenstein now.

I do have one major problem with this Dracula movie. Renfield: You mean you're going to stop gushing now? Hush, my dear, for this concerns you. Renfield: Really? Yes. You see, there is no Renfield in this film. He's not really needed for this plot (which resembles the novel only in the names and the fact that there is a vampire) but I always miss him when he's gone. So that's the problem. Also, I have questions. Why does this movie take place in Germany? All of the characters seem to be incredibly British, including Dracula. So why Germany? And what have they done to the interpersonal relationships? Quincy is gone, of course, but that's to be expected. Jonathan is engaged to Miss Lucy Holmwood, Arthur's sister. And Arthur's wife's name is Mina. Jonathan is a librarian-slash-vampire-hunter and works with Dr. Van Helsing. And Dr. Seward (dear Dr. Jack) is reduced to a somewhat annoying, very minor character. Ah, well. And one last problem - they do the blood transfusion thing. The "I don't know what your blood type is, but we'll do the transfusion anyway" thing. The "if the vampire doesn't kill Lucy, the blood transfusions will" thing. Blargh. But, otherwise (and despite some Odious Comic Relief), it was a very enjoyable movie. Even if Christopher Lee only has 5 lines. He still makes a really great vampire. And Peter Cushing is the best Van Helsing ever. I think that I must buy this.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

All right. I didn't actually spend the afternoon watching Blade Runner. I got it from the library but haven't actually watched it yet. But I have a very good reason for it. I didn't watch Blade Runner because I was watching Gormenghast instead. Gormenghast! Bwa haha! I have triumphed! For, in my own room, I have the only video representation of Gormenghast extant to this date. Or, at least, a copy of it. Yea!

And I watched half of it this afternoon. Now, obviously, it's not just like the books. For one thing, they have to cut some things. Sourdust was completely written out of the script and Barquentine takes his place through the whole series. And it would be logistically impossible to cover Lady Gertrude in birds. So she's only got the one - Master Chalk, the white rook. But in general it's quite good. And I like Lord Sepulchrave much better in the movie than the book, and his wife. But the man who really steals the show, to my mind, is Christopher Lee as Mr. Flay. (Somehow, when I wasn't paying attention, I became a massive Christopher Lee fan - though, actually, reading through my blog, it's not quite that much of a surprise. Someday, maybe, I'll actually see his Dracula movies. Really.) He really was perfect for the role. And you believe in his Flay - in the coldness and sharpness and greyness of him, and the softness where his master is concerned. And you have to pick sides between Flay and Swelter, really, and how could you possibly root for Swelter? Brrr...repulsive man.

And I love Dr. Prunesquallor now more than ever. He just so adorable. But, really, I should stop thinking about Dr. Prunesquallor. I've been manically hyper all afternoon since watching it and tending to talk like him. So I really must stop before I become completely British this evening. I think it's distressing my sister. 8) But he really is very cute. Especially when Fuschia kisses him. hehe.

On to Steerpike. Steerpike is pretty, articulate, funny, clever...and eeevil. I think that's really all we need. I may have to buy the videos. Bwa haha.

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr. Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.)

Public announcement moment - everyone needs to go see Minority Report. Now. I want no excuses. (You there - in the back! Don't think I don't see you! Go buy movie tickets.) Because this movie is very, very good neo-noir sci-fi. It's dark and seamless and lovely and you can actually sort of like Tom Cruise, which has to be some sort of miracle. This one is entering the ever-expanding video collection as soon as it is available on video. (Bwa haha...movies to force on my friends...) So, go see it, right this minute. You heard me. (And what will I be doing while you go to the theatre? I will be watching Blade Runner in the comfort of my own home and trying to find Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. Because I like neo-noir.)