Tuesday, April 30, 2002

I'm Sasha!
Which Sluggy Freelance Character Are You?

Yeah, I take too many online quizes. I'm a geek. What can I say? 8) Go read Sluggy Freelance. Is very nifty.

Anyway, Empire Strikes Back last night. Much better than A New Hope - Luke's not so whiny, so we don't have to beat him. And we get Yoda. Has anyone else noticed how much Yoda resembles Miss Piggy? I don't just mean in the vocal area (that's obvious - they're both voiced by Frank Oz) but in his facial expressions as well. I think that's just a mark of how muppet obsessed I was last year. I can tell the puppeteers apart by the facial expressions on the puppets. That can't be good.

And the slasher demons struck again. My friends officially think that I am frightening because of this, but they also partially agree with me. It's there, gosh darn it! And I am not the only one who sees it! There would not be fanfic if that were the case. Bwa hahaha...yeah...

Now I have difficult decisions to make. Do I go to anime tonight and watch X-TV and Hellsing (both of which are very cool) but have to put up with Angelic Layer and Fruitsbaskets (my God, but those girls angst over the most insignificant things for entire episodes) or...do I go watch Return of the Jedi and get closure for the storyline? See, this is difficult because closure is needed, but I have not seen the anime episodes before. This calls for divination.

::performs divination::

All right, the marbles say I should go to anime. Blargh...I don't want to go to anime. Well, that settles it. Jedi, it is. What do the marbles know? hehe.

Monday, April 29, 2002

Did I mention that I'm semi-officially a Malkavian? (Best darned clan in the world!) That may explain a lot of stuff for you. Just thought I should say.

I fancy Wizards.
He's pretty evil, and he's got some damn long nails.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

All right, so I took it twice, got two different answers and took the one I liked best. But really - Christopher Lee or Viggo Mortenson...who would you go for? (Now, when they put Grima on there...) 8)

Which LOTR Woman are you?

Yowsa, yowsa, baby!

Did you know that Batman (60's Adam West - not cool, animated, dark-'n-creepy Batman with Kevin Conroy) comes on Nick at Night? Neither did I. And did you also know that there was a villain on that show named Louie the Lilac who wished to control the world's flower market and thereby the world, through his control over the 'flower generation'? And that Batgirl's motorcycle had lace and bows on it? Gosh, but I learned a lot last night. It was hilarious. I don't think I'd seen anything quite that cheesy since the last time I watched Plan 9 from Outer Space. (Have you seen Plan 9? It's great. Hubcaps on strings! Wonderful dialogue! Tor Johnson in a speaking role! And Criswell. Glorious, glorious Criswell - the world's most apathetic actor/ TV psychic. God, I love that movie.) Batman was great. I loved it. I mean, really - who needs Mark Hamill's Joker when you can have Cesar Romero? (I'm kidding. Please, let's keep Mark Hamill - creepy, creepy, creepy. Still haven't found that synonym...)

Speaking of Mark Hamill, there's a Star Wars film fest on campus. They showed the first one last night. (New Hope, not Phantom Menace.) Fairhaven Katie and I decided that Luke needed to be beaten with the 'you-are-a-whiny-boy' stick and, guess what happened? A sandperson beat him with a stick! It was marvelous. But aside from occasional whiny boy-ness, it was a lot of fun. Peter Cushing! ::bounce, bounce:: (It is quite sad that I call myself a monster movie freak and the only movie I've ever seen Peter Cushing in is Star Wars. Hammer films are hard to find...) But also slightly argh...the slasher demons were doing bad things with Luke and Han in my head. It was scary. And they (the people in the movie, not the slasher demons. I am coherent, yes?) kept calling Leia 'Leea'. Leea! I mean, you just wanted to beat Vader and Tarkin, yelling "Her name is Leia. Leia! There's another vowel there! For God's sake, Vader, you're her father - you should be able to say her name!" Anyway...Empire Strikes Back tonight. Fun, fun, fun. Yoda! Jabba! Carbonite! Light saber battles. Yea...

I realized last night that I'm surround by geeks and nerds and will be made to see Episode 2 on the first day. It will be fun...even if Luke apparently inherited whiny boy-ness from his father. hehe.

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.

Renfield: phew. they were getting antsy. throw them a pigeon or something, would you?)

Sunday, April 28, 2002

And now Stargate. The blame for this belongs to three people. Marc, for having the film in his possesion. (I will do anything to shift blame, won't I?) Rhiannon, for choosing to watch the film. And, lastly, me, for knowing that there is fanfic out there and thinking that Daniel Jackson is incredibly adorable. Blargh...life is so difficult. So many fandoms, so little time...

(No circumlocution today, either.
Mr Vandemar: I'm getting tired of this.)

Saturday, April 27, 2002

I should not have let Marc let me watch the last Highlander movie. It links to the TV series. Now I know who these characters are and can freely read fanfic. I am now entering a fandom that's as widespread as X-Files or Buffy. I plan to blame it all on Marc.

(Nope, no circumlocution today.
Mr Croup: Bugger.)

Friday, April 26, 2002

Moving on from Croup and Vandemar to something in a different medium, but no less creepy - I have bought Dark City! And I got to watch it today! It is very exciting. I really like this movie. It's creepy and dark and sci-fi and neo-noir. I like neo-noir. And I like the characters too, for the most part. I couldn't really care less about Emma and that police inspector whose name I never quite caught, but they're not that important. I like John Murdoch, though. (Which is good, seeing as he's the main character...) But the main reason I fell in love with this movie was Richard O'Brian. (You know...Riff from Rocky Horror.) He plays the creepiest pyschotic alien I've ever seen. "I met my wife in this place." ::shivers...but in a good way...::

And I've begun to really like Dr. Schreber...poor Dr. Schreber. He's cute. And sad. And a bit weaselly, but there you go. That's me all over - being, as I am, the world's only fan of Grima Wormtongue. (Brad Dourif! Eee!) But yes, I like Daniel a lot. I think he must be awfully lonely. (And because of this, as I watch it again, I begin to see what that one writer on fanfic.net is talking about...Why is there not more fanfic for this movie?) He has weird speech patterns that annoy at first. Apparently there is a reason for this. Thus spake the Internet Movie Database. But they won't tell me of course. I think it adds to the character. It sort of makes you wonder what else is wrong with him. (Why is it always the broken ones? All of my favorite characters are twisted or warped or broken. All of them!) Anyway, go rent it. It's not perfect, but it's very cool and makes your brain work a little. And it's very nifty, visually. Say hello to Mr. Hand for me. See if he doesn't creep you out.

(Note to self...must find synonym for 'creepy'...)

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.

Look, everyone! I've got a circumlocution! hehe)

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

I'm reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman again. This is most likely not a good thing...at least from the point of view of my friends. It means that Croup and Vandemar have once again taken up semi-permanent residence in my head. I really hope that a sequel does get written. I've read that Mr. Gaiman is working on one, which would be exciting just in general and even more exciting if Messrs Croup and Vandemar could return from whatever Hell dimension they and the Angel Islington have been banished to. The Underside wouldn't be half so fun without them.

I really need to find the miniseries. And when (if) the movie ever comes out, I'm going to be there...probably on the first day. Bwa haha...Neverwhere movie...very exciting. I think that I've been thinking about this book slightly too much over the last couple of days. But I have learned something useful from it. I always sort of assume that Pterry had invented the word 'inhume' to be used by the Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild - it's kind of funny sounding and looked a bit like it could be a made-up word. But Mr. Croup uses it. And though there seems to be some overlap in Mr. Pratchett's and Mr. Gaiman's books, (witness Messrs Pin and Tulip - slightly sillier, mothball-eating, potato-wearing versions of Croup and Vandemar. No rats or pigeons or T'ang dynasty pottery...God, I love that scene...but I digress) I didn't think that the made up words would transfer. So I looked it up and, lo and behold, it is a real word. It means to bury or put in the earth, which makes sense, considering the meaning of exhume. See? Fantasy can teach us useful things.

("Circumlocution," said Mr. Croup to Mr. Vandemar. "It's a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity." Mr Vandemar nodded. "I wondered," he said.

Look, everyone! I've got a circumlocution! hehe)

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Yea! It worked!

I have been playing with HTML

It is very exciting and I am having fun. I may have to build me a webpage one of these days.
yes, because you have ever so much time in which to do that
Hush, Renfield. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. Smart mouth me again and I'll let the Hechsa get at you.
yes, ma'am.
That's better.

I'm having way too much fun with this. I think I should go and try to send silly emails to my parentals now.

gosh, i hope this works. if it doesn't, i'll feel really silly trying to post it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Hehe...this is cool...

I'm Delirium!
Which Member of the Endless Are You?

Go to http://www.users.drew.edu/jleto/endless/ to find out. Is muchly cool.

K, I really am going to stop posting for today unless something actually happens. Which it won't. I'm a Star Trek watching, comic book loving, fanfic reading geek. I have no life. (Isn't it glorious?) 8) So that's it for today. Really.

Yea! I figured it out now! ::bounce, bounce:: Now, if I ever have something to say, I know how to do it. hehe.

I can't quite get this thing to work properly...There really should be some sort of frustrated "things-don't-work-right" song you could sing in moments like this. Wouldn't the world be a better place with something like that?

Well, I guess this is it. Dad keeps saying that we should do things like get a family website or a weblog and here I am. I'm not entirely sure why I did this, as I tend to be an intensely private person, but I'm sure I'll be able to find something to put here. If nothing else, I can always poke Renfield and make him talk to people...